Thursday, June 17, 2010


Today  the coconut milkand honey group ( minus syd) went to MOCA ( museum of contemporary art). The exhibits were very intruging and interesting. It took me a while to understand them. We were not aloud to take pics so i will explain some of the pieces. One piece was a bell with  a wire along the whole room if you stepped on the wire the bell would ring. Another exhibit was of plants hanging in the air. They were spinning with  a disco motor. The artist got the idea from a hanging plant in  a resturant being spun by the air conditioning. Another piece was of a sign in  a foreign language it was supposed to make you feel like you were foreigner because you could not read something in  a different language that was in your own country. Those were my two favorite pieces. I liked the artwork because they were not sculptures or painting the were things you could see and try to understand what they mean. Check out these pics that I took in the gift shop.

Here are two pics of some colorful bowls woven with wire. I like them because they are colorrful and have a beautiful spiral in the middle.

Some funky sunglasses. They are pretty with the acsessories on the side and top. I would get them but the gems were real so they were super sxpensive (over 140 bucks).

The campers standing in front of the giant MOCA sign.

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