Today i got back from... KEY WEST!!!!!!!! I had so much fun there my family and I did almost everything. So if you're reading this make sure you have time to spare because this post is going to be filled with bunches of pics, cool information, and maybe even a few videos if you check out the whole post. So sit back, relax, and keep you finger on the scrolly button on the mouse.
All right so Key West was amazing, I went snorkeling (sorta) , checked out museums, and drove around exploring. First things first, the format of this post ( I like explaining stuff). I am going to do a paragraph for everything that I think is paragraph worthy everything else you can read about in pic captions. So lets get on with the story I know I'm boring you guys.
In Key West my family and I stayed at the Casa Marina which was founded by Henry Morisson Flagler ,Syd may know why I say who it was founded by. We had a sweet suite on the first floor of the second building of the hotel. Our patio had a view of the pool and the beach. Beaches there aren't good trust me. There was even a little path from our patio to the pool. Hammocks were hung on palm trees (every night we played hammock tag) but what was with all the weddings. The Casa Marina was amazing.
Now snorkeling. Oh snorkeling, some advice, never AND I MEAN NEVER go in Key West snorkeling on a day when the weather is even a little bit bad (or windy) cause then the boat changes its tracks and you see no fish unless you go a gazillion miles away from the boat. So we were all excited I thought the boat was gonna drop us at an island so we could swim as far as we please but the boat goes in the middle of the ocean and the captain says, " snorkel here". I was terrified and I only looked down a few times. The rope was my best friend (no offense Syd) and when I finally look down I see green nothingness. Seriously I'm not kidding. There were two people who saw fish. One was a lifeguard and one had brought a bunch of snorkeling gear. So take the advice at the top of the paragraph trust me. (no offense to people who do that snorkeling company it was a decent boat ride and it was mother natures fault.)
The museums were super fun. You can see and learn about pirates and ship wrecks. Or go see stuff you will not believe at Ripley's. If that's not good enough go see a famous writers house he started with one cat named snowball and then that cat met a cat now snowballs family tree has over 30 cats and they are still roaming the grounds. This house even has a cat cemetery.
The last thing we did was the sunset celebration. We were supposed to watch the sunset but the sunset was normal what was super awesome were the street performers. Ever see a 58 year old get out of a strait jacket and about 60 feet of chain IN 4 MINUTES or a 70 year old man eat fire and walk on a seven foot high rope. Maybe you want to see some musicians perform with a dog who takes the money in his mouth and puts it in a bucket. This place was super awesome I couldn't believe some of the stuff at all.
Now check out these pics (this is the shortest paragraph yet).
This is a view from the 60 foot tower in the shipwrecks museum. Warning! this tower is not for someone with fear of heights or fear that tower will fall. I have fear of both of those things.
This boat was in the ship wrecks museum. I like it because its like a complete replica even tiny people are on it. I think if this could float in the ocean a boat would find it and a crazy fisherman would think it was shrunken by mermaids.
Here is a work of true art this art piece if like sponge bob for real. It is... SPONGE MAN (that's what i call him). This man is made out of sea sponges in the back of the store are sponges just like the ones used to make him that you can buy to apply makeup, wash yourself, and much more. Even though this man has a big nose the artist sure is creative.
Me and my brother Justin holding a starfish. We went to this aquarium where they had a touch tank. So my brother and I go to hold the least scariest thing in the tank (not counting coral, rocks, and sand) a starfish! The starfish was bumpy and cool. I loved how its tiny legs moved individually.
So I'm just sitting around looking at fishes then i look up and see this hammerhead. I was freaking out this thing is scary when you weren't prepared for it. They shouldn't go hanging sharks around in a kid friendly enviorment don't you agree.
If someone would have told me about this Ripley's world record I would not have believed it. I mean theres a faucet in mid air with water coming out. I know the faucets probably hanging on some invisible string but what about the water. I just don't get this its awesome but strange.
Here is my mom and my brother (the blurry blob) with a replica of the tallest man on earth. He is over 9 feet tall wow. My dad is about 6 feet and 3 inches tall and he is considered tall but compared to this Waldow guy he is tiny.
Well another strange sight at Ripley's. A two headed bunny and a three legged chicken. This is sorta freaky and hard to imagine. Why do these things happen, does it affect their life all these questions. But I'm sure these animals are long gone by now and are happy that they were unique enough to be noticed by The Ripley believe or not museum.
This is the best place at Ripley's. The torture room get to see my brother in the famous chair with spikes on it and thing that they put you in to be beheaded. Look at his face in the pic to the right but hes smiling when hes about to be beheaded. Well the pics were cool anyway.
I know your all like this is a boring pic. I know because my camera doesn't show colored light. The gray wrinkly circle wall was really purple with green dots spinning round and round. It felt like you were gonna go upside down and i though i was tilting. On the way back i closed my eyes. This was pure torture.
Here's a replica of the fattest guy ever and the longest nose in the history of the world. The nose guy look like squidward and fat guy should go on a diet. But these people decide what they do in life just like you and me so yeah.
Here is a vid of some baby quail birds playing. They are just so cute I love them. I would have taken a pic but they were so fast I had to take a vid. So you get to watch the very first vid anyone in coconut milk and honey has ever posted. Pay no attention to the sound.

When we went to what I call the butterfly garden of key west I saw this beautiful butterfly eating some fruit. Its a little weird how the eat with their feet. (YAY A RHYME!!!)
This is such a pretty flower. Its so pink and beautiful. Sigh lets move on to the next pic.
Here is a pic of a cat from the Hemingway house. The author with many cats. This cat is one of many of snowballs descendants. The cool thing about these cats is they all have six toes. That's how you can tell a Hemingway cat from a regular cat. He (or is it a she) is drinking water from the small fountain in the front.
I like this cat it is so cute.
A picture of a bedroom. I think this is a good picture. I like the lamp it is a pineapple. Note: chains are not actually part of bed.
Here is me on a small bench. My brother and me went of to explore alone when my dad, mom, and younger brother went on the tour. These chairs were very comfortable.
Here is my brother Justin under an arc where people have weddings. HA HA!! He has no fence so he stands single and strong. (no offense bro)
Justin thinks these cats are twins. But can cats be twins. Maybe their just the same breed. We will never know.
This is a place of great sadness. Here we can put flowers on graves. This is... the cat graveyard. All dead cats lie here each one with its own special stone.
Does anyone need this big of a pool and now its wasted. No one can swim in it. Sigh, I wish I had brought my bathing suit to Hemingway's.
Here is a middle aged cat. Hes fat and lazy as you can see. But this cat is just so snuggable. Sigh, I want to hug it.
This beautiful waterfall is by a small bridge in Hemingway's house. It is amazing an so pretty. I love taking pics of waterfalls.
I found these two things in a toy store. the book is a ceiling and the waterfall is right above the register. I think it is so awesome that people can make structures as cool as this.
This dog works for a street performer. The performer sings to some music and his fans hold out dollar bills. The performer tells the dog to get the money and this amazing dog grabs the money in his mouth and puts it in a bucket. I wish my dog could do that.
This is the most amazing performance. The pic on the left shows the man in a straight jacket with over 60 feet of chain on him. The pic on the right shows the man 4 minutes later. Remember this man is 58 years old can you believe he can do this.
I hope you enjoyed this special vacation post!!
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